Do Not Sell

Businesses that sell personal information in some states must provide a clear and conspicuous “Do Not Sell My Information” link on their website.

Funeral Funds of America has never sold or shared anyone’s personal information, and we never will as stated in our Privacy Policy.

California residents, under “The California Consumer Privacy Act” (CCPA), have the right to opt-out of having their personal information sold.

Nevada residents have similar privacy protection and rights under SB220, and NRS 603a.340.

Since we don’t sell your information, the above statutes and regulations don’t apply to us.

However, if you would like to preemptively opt out from having your information sold, just fill out our form on this page and mention, “do not sell my information.”

If you want pricing on some insurance before sending your opt-out message, select the Get Quotes Now button for immediate rates.


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