Cancer Insurance: What Is it & Why You Need It

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Each year, it kills hundreds of thousands of people. Cancer treatment is expensive, and many cancer patients don’t have adequate health insurance leading to massive medical costs.

Cancer insurance should not be overlooked when planning your finances. Cancer insurance will help you pay for treatments and procedures related to cancer diagnosis and treatment. It will also help you pay for living expenses if you cannot work because of your cancer diagnosis or treatment.


This article will discuss the importance of cancer insurance and how it will benefit you and your loved ones.

What Is Cancer Insurance?

Cancer insurance is a supplemental health insurance product that pays a lump sum or specific amount when diagnosed with cancer. This coverage will help pay for treatments, procedures, and other cancer-related costs. Cancer insurance will also help you with living expenses if you cannot work because of your cancer diagnosis.

There are two main types of cancer insurance:

  • Lump Sum: Pays a lump sum benefit when cancer is first diagnosed. Most lump sum plans comes with different benefit choices including $ 5,000, $10,000, $15,000, in increments of $5,000 up to a maximum of $75,000.
  • Schedule of Benefits: Pays a set benefit amount per day, week, or month while being treated for cancer.

How Does Cancer Insurance Work?

Cancer insurance works by supplementing your existing health insurance. It will help pay for treatments, procedures, and other cancer-related costs that your regular health insurance may not cover.

Suppose you are diagnosed with cancer or carcinoma in situ. In that case, your cancer insurance will pay part or all of your selected benefit amount to help you pay for medical costs and other expenses.

Regardless of your health insurance coverage, a lump sum or a specific amount will be paid directly to you or someone you designate.

You can use your cancer insurance payout in any way you choose, and you don’t have to be hospitalized to be able to access your plan benefits.

Why Do You Need Cancer Insurance?

No one knows when they will get cancer. Cancer can strike at any age and stage in life. Even if you are healthy and have no family history of cancer, you can still get the disease.

Cancer insurance will help you financially if you are ever diagnosed with cancer. It will also help pay for treatments, procedures, and other costs related to cancer that your regular health insurance may not cover.

Cancer insurance will help you with living expenses if you cannot work because of your cancer diagnosis.

Cancer insurance is an essential part of your financial safety net. It will give you and your loved one’s peace of mind, knowing that you are financially prepared if you are ever diagnosed with cancer.

Who Is Cancer Insurance For?

You can’t get cancer insurance if you currently have cancer. Most plans restrict eligibility if you have had cancer in the last 5-10 years. You must buy cancer insurance BEFORE you need it because cancer does not discriminate and often happens without warning.

Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the United States. Each year, it kills hundreds of thousands of people. According to the American Cancer Society, 39 out of 100 men and 38 out of 100 women will develop cancer during their lifetime.

Your cancer risk increases with a family history of cancer, smoking history, and age. Family history only accounts for 5-10% of cancer. It means 90% will still get cancer even if you don’t have any risk factors. That’s why everyone needs cancer insurance.

Cancer insurance will help you pay for treatments and procedures related to cancer diagnosis and treatment. It can also help you pay for living expenses if you cannot work because of your cancer diagnosis.

What Does Cancer Insurance Cover?

Cancer insurance will cover things that Medicare won’t, such as:

  • Experimental medicines and trial drugs – Medicare only covers certain experimental drugs if they’re part of a clinical trial.
  • Second opinions – You may need a second opinion from another doctor to confirm your diagnosis or treatment plan. Medicare will only cover one-second opinion per diagnosis.
  • Out-of-pocket costs – Even with Medicare, you may have to pay out-of-pocket costs for your cancer treatment, such as deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance. Cancer insurance will help you pay these costs.
  • Transportation – You may need to travel for your cancer treatment. Cancer insurance will help you pay for transportation costs, such as gas, tolls, parking, rental car, and airfare.
  • Hotels or lodging – If you travel for your cancer treatment, you may need to stay in a hotel or other lodging. Cancer insurance will help you pay for these costs.
  • Home care – You may need help with cooking, cleaning, and transportation if your cancer treatment makes it difficult to do these things yourself.
  • Clothing and hair pieces – Some cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, will cause you to lose your hair. Cancer insurance will help you pay for wigs and other hair pieces.
  • Loss of income – If your cancer treatment prevents you from working, cancer insurance will help you replace some of your lost income.

What Are The Benefits Of Cancer Insurance?

Here are the benefits of cancer insurance:

  • Affordable – Cancer insurance plans are very affordable. You can get a cancer insurance policy for as little as $20 per month.
  • Flexible – Cancer insurance plans are flexible. You can choose the benefits that you want and need.
  • Customizable – Cancer insurance plans are customizable. You can add riders to your policy to cover experimental drugs and home care.
  • Portable – Cancer insurance plans are portable. You can keep your policy even if you change jobs or retire.
  • Easily available – Cancer insurance plans are easily available. You can get a policy from a life insurance company, an insurance agent, or online.
  • No need for hospitalization – You don’t need to be hospitalized to claim your benefits.
  • Lump-sum payout – You will receive a lump-sum payout if you are diagnosed with cancer.
  • Wide coverage – Cancer insurance plans have wide coverage. You can get coverage for most types of cancers.
  • Compensates for loss of income – Cancer insurance plans can help you replace your lost income if you cannot work because of your cancer diagnosis.
  • Coverage against high treatment costs – Cancer insurance plans can help you pay for expensive cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Why Should You Buy Cancer Insurance?

Cancer insurance is an essential insurance product that everyone should consider. It will help you pay for treatment and other expenses related to cancer. Cancer insurance is integral to a person’s financial and health plan (especially if you have a history of cancer in your family tree).

You can protect your income with cancer insurance. Cancer insurance can help you replace your lost income if you cannot work because of your cancer diagnosis.

Cancer insurance provides a financial safety net that can help you pay for cancer-related expenses that medical insurance does not pay so you can focus on getting well.

You should buy cancer insurance if your health insurance does not cover cancer treatment or if you want to supplement your health insurance.

You need to buy cancer insurance if you don’t have enough savings to pay for cancer treatment. Cancer insurance can help you pay for cancer treatment and other related expenses. Cancer insurance is a wise investment because it can help you pay for expensive cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. 

How Can Funeral Funds Help Me?

Funeral Funds is an independent life insurance agency that specializes in helping people find the best life insurance policies to fit their needs. We will help you compare cancer insurance plans and find the best policy for you.

We work with over 20 life insurance companies and will help you find the best cancer insurance policy to fit your needs and budget. We offer free quotes, and our services are free of charge.

Call us today at (888) 862-9456 to speak with one of our knowledgeable life insurance agents. We will help you find the best cancer insurance policy to fit your needs.

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