2024 Burial Insurance with Liver Disease

Finding the most affordable 1st-day burial insurance with liver disease is possible, depending on your liver disease type and medical background.

This article will show how insurance carriers underwrite applicants with liver disease, what policy options are available, and how to find affordable burial insurance.


What Is Liver Disease?

Liver disease is any condition that affects the liver. 

There are many types of liver disease, each with its own cause. Some of the most common causes of liver disease include:

  • Viruses such as hepatitis A, B, and C
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Autoimmune hepatitis
  • Inherited disorders, such as hemochromatosis and Wilson disease

Symptoms of liver disease can vary depending on the type and severity of the condition. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent liver damage from worsening. 

Life insurance companies assess risk based on your health. You may be categorized as higher risk since liver disease can shorten life expectancy. 

Every insurance company has its own underwriting guidelines. If you are denied by one company, don’t be discouraged. Talk to an agent to explore other options.

Can You Get Burial Insurance With Liver Disease?

Yes, you can get burial insurance if you have liver disease. Whether you have fatty liver, cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure, or other types of liver disease, there are insurance options available to you.

What Are The Types of Burial Insurance Available To People With Liver Disease?

First-Day Coverage – This type of policy does not require a medical exam. You only need to answer a few health questions, and you qualify for immediate coverage with no waiting period. 

Guaranteed Issue – This insurance has no medical exam and no health questions. Guaranteed issue life insurance policies are designed for people who may on qualify for traditional term life insurance due to significant health issues.

The downside of guaranteed issue whole life insurance is the two-year waiting period before the full death benefit is payable. During this waiting period, if you were to pass away, the policy would only pay out the premiums you have paid plus 7-10% interest (depending on the company).

What Is My Best Insurance Option If I Have Liver Disease?

Liver disease is a general term that covers all liver problems, from mild to life-threatening. There are more than 100 different types of liver disease, all of which may cause significant long-term health problems.

Here are the most common liver diseases and the best policy options you will qualify for:

FATTY LIVER – Fatty liver disease or hepatic steatosis means extra fat in your liver. It is typically caused by heavy alcohol drinking, but you can also get it even if you don’t drink alcohol too much. You may qualify for the first-day coverage.

HEPATITIS A – This type of hepatitis is usually a short-term infection that doesn’t become chronic. You may qualify for a first-day coverage plan if you have Hepatitis A.

This type of hepatitis usually begins as a short-term acute infection, but in some cases, the virus remains in the body, causing chronic liver problems. If you have Hepatitis B, are still infected, or are currently undergoing treatment, you can qualify for a first-day coverage plan with some insurance companies.

HEPATITIS C – This type of hepatitis is usually a short-term infection but may become chronic when the virus remains in the body. If you’re undergoing treatment or cured of Hepatitis C, you may qualify for a first-day coverage plan with no waiting period.

Cirrhosis of the liver is a late stage of fibrosis or liver scarring caused by chronic alcoholism, hepatitis, cystic fibrosis, fat accumulation in the liver, destruction of the bile ducts, and medications. You may qualify for a first-day coverage plan with some insurance companies, depending on your state.

If you’re diagnosed with liver cancer and are now cancer-free, you may qualify for a first-day coverage plan.

LIVER TRANSPLANT – If your transplant was longer than five years ago, you may qualify for 1st-day coverage. If you have had a liver transplant in the past five years, you should look at getting guaranteed issue life insurance.

Do I Need A Medical Exam To Qualify For Burial Insurance?

No, you are not required to take a medical exam to qualify for burial insurance with liver disease.

When you apply for burial insurance, your agent will ask you to answer some basic questions about your health. The application process is simple; you don’t need to provide medical records or blood and urine samples. You’ll often get the official approval from the insurance company within minutes!

What Is The Impact Of Liver Disease To Insurance Eligibility?

The severity of your liver disease may impact the type of life insurance policy and the cost of burial insurance. For example, if you currently need a liver transplant, you can only qualify for a guaranteed issue life insurance, which guarantees you coverage but is more expensive than first-day coverage insurance, and it comes with a 2-year waiting period.

Burial Insurance Underwriting For Liver Disease

Burial insurance companies will ask about liver disease history by asking if you have ever had liver disease at any point in your life or been treated for liver disease within a certain number of years.

Here are some examples of how burial insurance companies ask about liver disease in their health questions:

  • Have you ever had or been treated for any liver disease?
  • Have you ever had or been treated for liver disease within the last 24 months?

Here are some of the illnesses insurance companies associate with liver disease:

  • Alcohol-related liver disease
  • Biliary atresia
  • Benign liver tumors
  • Cirrhosis
  • Epstein Barr virus
  • Hemochromatosis
  • Hepatitis A, B, C
  • Liver cancer
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

You must answer “yes” to the liver disease question if you have any form of liver disease.

What Is The Burial Insurance Pricing For Liver Disease?

Pricing for burial insurance with liver disease can vary based on factors such as age, gender, state of residence, type of policy, coverage amount, overall health, and the severity of your liver disease.

Speak with an independent insurance agent specializing in burial insurance to get accurate pricing information based on your liver disease.

How To Find Affordable Burial Insurance with Liver Disease

The best way to find affordable burial insurance is to work with an independent insurance agent who can provide quotes from multiple carriers (that’s what we do at Funeral Funds of America)

We can guide you toward the best life insurance companies that offer 1st-day coverage approvals for liver disease.

How To Apply For Life Insurance If You Have Liver Disease

  1. Consult with Independent Agents – Seek guidance from independent insurance agents specializing in underwriting for liver disease. They can help you understand the options available, compare quotes, and choose the most suitable policy.
  2. Complete the Application Honestly – When filling out the life insurance application, be transparent about your liver disease history. Provide accurate details about your health, treatments, and any lifestyle changes you’ve made. Honesty is crucial for a fair assessment.
  3. Review and Confirm Policy Details – Carefully review the finalized policy terms before confirming your acceptance. Make sure the insurance coverage meets your needs and your budget.

How Can Funeral Funds Help Me?

You don’t have to waste time searching with multiple insurance companies because we can do this work for you. We work with many A+ rated insurance carriers specializing in covering high-risk clients. 

Our licensed insurance agents search all the best companies to get you the best rates, and we promise to make the process quick and easy. 

Fill out our quote form on this page or call us at (888) 862-9456, and we can give you an accurate quote.

Funeral Insurance, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance With Liver Disease Infographic

Frequently Asked Questions

Is liver disease classed as a critical illness in life insurance?

No, liver disease is not typically classified as a critical illness. However, some life insurance policies may have an exclusion for liver disease.

Can you get first-day coverage insurance if you have liver disease?

Yes, you may still qualify for life insurance with first-day coverage, depending on the severity of your liver disease and your state of residence.

Is liver disease considered a pre-existing condition in insurance?

Yes, liver disease is considered a pre-existing condition in insurance.

Do I need to tell insurance companies about liver disease?

Yes, you will need to tell your insurance company about your liver disease to qualify. 

What are the things that may affect my eligibility if I have liver disease?

Your liver disease’s severity and treatment may affect your insurance eligibility.

What are the rates for life insurance if I have liver disease?

The rates for life insurance if you have liver disease will depend on your age, gender, location, coverage amount, and health.

Can you be rejected or denied insurance for liver disease?

Yes, you may be denied life insurance for liver disease; some insurance companies are not liver disease-friendly.

What is the average cost of life insurance for someone with liver disease?

The average cost of life insurance for someone with liver disease will depend on your age, gender, location, coverage amount, and health.

How long does it take to get life insurance with liver disease?

You can be approved for life insurance after a few minutes over the phone.

What are my options if I am denied life insurance because of liver disease?

Your best option is to speak with an independent life insurance agent. They will be able to help you find the best policy that fits your needs.

What are the chances of me getting life insurance if I have liver disease?

The chances of you getting final expense insurance if you have liver disease will depend on the severity of your liver disease and your treatment. Speak with an independent life insurance agent to find out more.

Is there an age limit for burial insurance with liver disease?

If you are 18-85 years old, you can apply for burial insurance even if you have liver disease.

Is there a difference in rates for men and women who have liver disease?

Yes, there is a difference in rates for men and women who have liver disease. Rates for men are typically higher than rates for women.

Is there a difference in rates for people who live in different states if they have liver disease?

Yes, rates will vary depending on the insurance companies offering plans in your state and the severity of your liver disease.

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