Payable on Death Account Pros and Cons
Payable on death account pros and cons must be considered before opening an account so that you know what to expect. You should work with an estate-planning lawyer to weigh the advantages and disadvantages, considering your other options for estate planning and avoiding probate.
Payable on death account might be a good idea for people who do not have a life insurance policy and want to set aside a modest amount of money that a beneficiary might need right after his passing. For example, an elderly parent might establish a POD to ensure that one of his children has the financial means to pay for a funeral and other basic expenses. By having access to a POD account, the beneficiary can avoid probate, a long and expensive process.
This article will explore the pros and cons of payable on death accounts to learn if this is the best option to avoid probate.
What Is Payable On Death Account?
A payable on death account or POD is a special bank account recognized under United States state law. Savings accounts, checking accounts, money markets, savings bonds, and certificates of deposits are all eligible for POD accounts. POD offers an easy way to keep the money – even a large sum out of probate.
A POD, also called “poor man’s trust,” is a special type of account that permits someone unable to establish a living trust for financial or other reasons. And, like an expensive attorney-drawn living trust, a free paid-on-death account assignment avoids probate just as effectively.
The funds pass directly to the named beneficiary upon the account holder’s death. In general, once the owner dies, beneficiaries must produce an original copy of the death certificate to the bank manager to access the account. The money remaining in the POD account will then be paid to the beneficiaries named on the beneficiary designation form on file with the bank.
Generally, a POD account can have more than one beneficiary. However, if the account owner wants each of his beneficiaries to receive unequal portions of the funds in the account, he must check if the state laws allow it, given that some states only permit an equal distribution of funds in a POD account.
It is important to note that the bank account will pass to the POD beneficiaries even if the account owner had a last will or revocable living trust and will take precedence regardless of what the will or trust says. A POD account is more powerful than the last will. It is unnecessary to follow the owner’s last will; therefore, it’s critical that the owner change or terminate the POD beneficiary if he has someone else named in his will.
As long as the account owner is alive, the beneficiary named to inherit the money in a POD account has no rights to it. If the owner needs the money or just changed his mind about leaving it to the beneficiary he named, he can use it, name a different beneficiary, or close the account.
How Can My Beneficiary Claim The Money?
The POD beneficiary you name has no rights to the money as long as you’re alive. After your death, your beneficiary must show the bank a certified copy of your death certificate and proof of his identity to claim the money.
If the account were a joint account, the bank would need to see the death certificates of all the original account owners. The bank records will show that your beneficiary is entitled to whatever money is in your account. The bank doesn’t need anything from the probate court. Depending on the state, there may be a short waiting period before your beneficiary can collect the funds.
Benefits Of A Payable On Death Account
The main benefit of a POD account is the ability to avoid probate. Of course, you don’t want your beneficiaries to wait for a probate court to dispose of your assets; this can take five months or longer. There’s also the risk of your beneficiaries being entangled in a legal battle in probate court.
You can also eliminate probate fees, which may decrease the total amount left in your bank account, such as court and attorney fees.
Another significant benefit of a POD account is that the owner of the account can increase his coverage limit under the FDIC or Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The standard coverage limit of a person’s assets at a particular bank, including checking and savings accounts, certificates of deposit, and money market accounts, is $250,000 coverage on up to five accounts at a single bank where the owner has a differently named beneficiary.
Each beneficiary cannot be covered for more than $250,000. Instead of saving money worth $1,250,000 in one account that will only be insured for up to $250,000, having multiple POD accounts can increase an account owner’s coverage by five times the standard limit.
Payable On Death Account Pros And Cons
POD account allows you to name a beneficiary on your bank account. When you pass away, your beneficiary has a right to the funds, and in most states, the account won’t be subject to probate proceedings. It’s easy to transfer your assets after you pass, but you should be aware of the pros and cons of these types of accounts.
POD is very easy to create
Setting up a payable-on-death account is usually very simple. Typically, you must complete a form and sign it to choose your beneficiary or beneficiaries. You can also change your beneficiaries whenever you like and name several beneficiaries. This allows them to split the money when you’re gone.
Generally, you have to inform the bank that you’d like to make your bank account payable to a particular person upon your death. It’s usually free to do this. Your POD account will avoid the cost of probate.
It’s easy for your beneficiaries to claim the money after you die
Your beneficiary can claim the funds in a fairly straightforward process. After your death, your beneficiary will only need to show proof of identity, provide a certified copy of the death certificate, and complete some forms.
There are no monetary limitations.
There are usually no limits on the number of funds that you can transfer through a payable on death account. You are not limited on how much money you can leave this way.
Designating a beneficiary for a bank account is free
You can assign multiple beneficiaries while you are alive. You can name as many beneficiaries on your POD account as you would like. The proceeds may be divided equally between all beneficiaries, or you can divide it in any manner you prefer. You can also change the beneficiaries of your POD account at any time.
You can cancel your POD account at will.
You can cancel your POD account anytime you choose without any legal hassle. There are no limitations to a POD account. You can spend all the money prior to your death, change your beneficiary, or cancel the account completely.
Your beneficiaries only have the rights to the account after you die
Your beneficiary is not entitled to any of your money in the account while you are still alive. Upon your death, your beneficiary automatically becomes the owner of the account.
These advantages may appeal to you because they can save you time, money, and hassle. Before you open an account, you should consider the disadvantages as well.
Your account would revert to probate court if your beneficiary predeceased you.
You can only set up one beneficiary on your account. If your beneficiary died ahead of you, and you have not named a new beneficiary, your account will automatically go to probate court – the one thing that you want to avoid in the first place.
You will not be able to designate an alternate beneficiary for your POD account. If your beneficiary passes away before you, your funds will be distributed to your estate through probate proceedings. That’s why it is advisable to name more than one beneficiary for your POD account. Your account will only go through probate in the event that all of your named beneficiaries died before you.
Your beneficiaries cannot access your account if you become incapacitated.
If you become legally incapacitated because of an accident or injury and you are unable to make decisions, your beneficiaries cannot access our account if you need medical care. There is no provision in the POD to access your account if you become incapacitated. Additionally, if you wish to give your beneficiary access to the funds prior to your death, you will need to make the request to close your account, which can cause time delays.
POD gives no rights to the beneficiary while you are still alive
Your beneficiary cannot claim the money in your account while you are still living. They can only claim the funds upon your death. This can cause a delay should you change your mind because your beneficiary needs the money immediately.
POD offers no legal protection of the funds
Should your beneficiary find himself in the midst of divorce or bankruptcy, they run the risk of losing their inheritance through a POD. A payable on death account offers no legal protection on the funds – only a straight transfer. This can create problems if the timing is wrong – and you cannot control that.
States can free the POD account until estate taxes are paid.
If you die with unpaid debts and estate taxes, your POD account may be subject to claims by creditors and the government. If there is no cash in the estate to pay estate taxes, the executor can go after those who received the POD and ask for money to pay estate bills. There are ways to recover funds from POD designation, but without the cooperation of the beneficiaries, it will be an expensive legal process.
Designating one child as a beneficiary can cause family disharmony.
Family disharmony can arise if only one child is designated as the POD beneficiary. On the account owner’s death, that same child will get the entire balance on the account, often to the surprise of his siblings. Sometimes siblings are not willing to rearrange estate distributions to transfer the funds due to the POD creating disharmony at a difficult time.
Some Issues Encountered With Payable On Death Accounts
More often, a POD account creates more problems than it solves.
Risk in a remarriage situation.
The husband and wife have a joint account. The account is structured as a Payable on death after both the husband and the wife die. Let’s assume that the POD beneficiaries are their two respective children from their prior marriages. The husband dies first. The risk is that the wife changes the POD beneficiaries to her only two children, thereby disinheriting her deceased husband’s biological children.
More risks in a remarriage situation.
Now, the wife remarries a third husband. She decided to change the POD beneficiary to her new husband. Now, she succeeded in disinheriting her deceased second husband’s children and her own.
There are a lot of things that may go wrong in a remarriage situation, either intentionally or by not understanding how POD accounts really work.
Rights of Creditors and Your Spouse
Avoiding probate through a POD account doesn’t mean avoiding your legal obligation. You can’t shortage creditors with a POD account. So, if you don’t leave enough funds to pay your debts and taxes or temporarily support your minor children and your spouse, a POD account may be subject to the claims of your family or creditors.
Your spouse also has rights. If you live on community property, your spouse or registered domestic partner is considered the legal owner of the half-interest in your account. However, the account is in your name only. If you contributed money you earned while you’re married, that money and the interest earned on it is considered community property, and your spouse or partner owns half of it.
If the money in your POD account is community property, and you decide to name other people other than your spouse as the POD beneficiary for the account, it’s better to get your spouse’s written consent first. Otherwise, your spouse could raise a claim to half of the money in the account at your demise, leaving the beneficiary you designated with only half.
POD account and minor beneficiary
If the beneficiary on the POD account is under the age of 18 and is a minor, court proceedings will be needed to appoint someone to manage the funds on the minor’s behalf.
What Other Options Do I Have Other Than A POD Account?
If a POD bank account seems unsuitable for your needs, you have other options for transferring your account money. You can transfer the money to a beneficiary through a will, which is actually the standard way for inheritance issues. It is also possible to create a revocable living trust, similar to a POD account.
Like a payable on death account, a will and a trust can help you avoid having your money go through probate. Also, wills and trusts allow the beneficiary more flexibility than POD accounts. On the other hand, there can be more complex requirements for a will or trust to be valid. POD is simpler to create.
Trusts provide all the benefits and peace of mind of a payable on death account without much of a downside. Setting up a revocable living trust to hold your assets can provide long-term asset protection for your designated beneficiaries against bankruptcy, judgment lawsuit, and divorce courts.
Like a POD account, a funded trust avoids probate costs and delays, and your personal info is kept private. A trust can incorporate alternate beneficiaries and trustees should your beneficiary die ahead of you or should you become incapacitated to administer your own affairs.
You should work with an estate-planning lawyer to weigh the payable on death account pros and cons in light of your other options for estate planning and avoiding probate.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What does payable on death account mean?
A payable on death account is an account where the money in the account is transferred to another person upon the account holder’s death. The money in the account does not go through probate and is not subject to any debts or taxes of the estate.
What does POD mean on an account?
POD is an abbreviation for “payable on death.” It indicates that the account holder has named someone to receive the money in the account upon their death.
How do I set up a POD account?
Most banks and financial institutions offer POD accounts. You will need to fill out a beneficiary form with the name of the person you want to receive the money in the account.
What are the benefits of a POD account?
The main benefit of a POD account is that the money in the account bypasses probate and is paid directly to the beneficiary. This can save time and money, as probate can be a lengthy and expensive process.
What is a Payable on Death (POD) beneficiary?
A payable on death (POD) beneficiary is a person or entity named by the account holder to receive the money in the account upon their death. The money in the account does not go through probate and is not subject to any debts or taxes of the estate.
What are some drawbacks of POD accounts?
One drawback of POD accounts is that they do not provide any protection from creditors. Another drawback is that if the account holder dies without naming a beneficiary, the money in the account will go through probate.
How do I change the beneficiary on my POD account?
Most banks and financial institutions allow you to change the beneficiary on your POD account by filling out a new beneficiary form.
What happens if I die without a will and have a POD account?
If you die without a will and have a POD account, the money in the account will be paid to the named beneficiary. The money in the account will not go through probate and is not subject to any debts or taxes of
Who can be a POD beneficiary?
Most banks and financial institutions allow you to name anyone as your POD beneficiary, including a spouse, child, parent, sibling, friend, or charity. You can also name multiple beneficiaries.
When does the beneficiary get the money?
The beneficiary will get the money in the account when the account holder dies. The money will not go through probate and is not subject to any debts or taxes of the estate.
What happens if the beneficiary dies before me?
If the beneficiary of your POD account dies before you, you can name a new beneficiary by filling out a new beneficiary form. If you do not name a new beneficiary, the money in the account will go through probate.
How do POD accounts work?
When you open a POD account, you will need to fill out a beneficiary form with the name of the person you want to receive the money in the account upon your death. The money in the account does not go through probate and is not subject to any debts or taxes of the estate. Upon your death, the money in the account will be paid to the beneficiary.
Is payable on death account taxable?
No, the money in a payable on death account is not taxable.
What is the difference between a POD account and a joint account?
A joint account is an account that two or more people own. A POD account is an account where the money in the account is transferred to another person upon the account holder’s death. A joint account does not go through probate, but the money in the account is subject to the debts and taxes of the estate. A POD account bypasses probate and is not subject to any debts or taxes of the estate.
Can a POD account be contested?
Yes, a POD account can be contested. However, the burden of proof is on the person contesting the account to prove that the account holder did not have the mental capacity to name a beneficiary or that the account was created under duress.
Is POD the same as beneficiary?
No, POD and beneficiary are not the same. A POD account is an account where the money in the account is transferred to another person upon the account holder’s death. A beneficiary is a person named to receive the money in the POD account.
How do you create a POD account?
Most banks and financial institutions allow you to open a POD account by filling out a beneficiary form.
What are the requirements for a valid POD designation?
There is no one definitive answer to this question, as requirements vary by state. However, in general, the account holder must be 18 years or older and of sound mind when he or she designates a beneficiary. The account must also be in good standing, meaning no delinquent payments are owed on the account.
What is the difference between a POD account and a trust?
A trust is an arrangement where one person holds the property for the benefit of another. A POD account is an account where the money in the account is transferred to another person upon the account holder’s death. A trust can be used to avoid probate, but the money in the trust is subject to the debts and taxes of the estate. A POD account bypasses probate and is not subject to any debts or taxes of the estate.
Can you withdraw money from a deceased person’s account?
No, you cannot withdraw money from a deceased person’s account. The money in the account will be paid to the beneficiary upon the account holder’s death. However, if it is a POD account, the beneficiary can withdraw the money from the account.
How do I close a POD account?
To close a POD account, you must contact the bank or financial institution where the account is held. You must provide proof of death, such as a death certificate, and the account will be closed. All money in the account will be paid to the beneficiary.
Can a POD account be opened with any bank?
Most banks and financial institutions offer POD accounts. However, some banks do not offer POD accounts.
Is a pod on a bank account a good idea?
Some people believe POD accounts are a good idea because they bypass probate and are not subject to any debts or taxes of the estate. Others believe that POD accounts can be contested and that the money in the account is not immediately available to the beneficiary.
Is a POD account considered part of an estate?
No, a POD account is not considered part of an estate. The money in the account is not subject to the debts or taxes of the estate.
What happens if I die without a will and have a POD account?
If you die without a will and have a POD account, the money will be paid to the beneficiary. The beneficiary will not be subject to any debts or taxes of the estate.
What happens if POD beneficiary dies?
If the POD beneficiary dies, the money in the account will be paid to the beneficiary’s estate. The money in the account will be subject to the debts and taxes of the estate.
How do I get money from my deceased parent’s bank account?
If you are the beneficiary of your deceased parents’ bank account, you will need to provide the bank with a death certificate and proof of your relationship with the deceased. The bank will then release the money in the account to you.
How do I claim a deceased person’s bank account?
If you are the beneficiary of a deceased person’s bank account, you must provide the bank with a death certificate and proof of your relationship with the deceased. The bank will then release the money in the account to you.
What is a POD on a checking account?
A POD on a checking account is an arrangement where the money in the account is transferred to another person upon the account holder’s death. The beneficiary can withdraw the money from the account.
What is the difference between POD and TOD?
POD and TOD (transfer on death) are similar, but there are some key differences. With a POD, the money in the account is transferred to the beneficiary upon the account holder’s death. With TOD, the account holder can designate how the money in the account is to be used after his or her death. For example, the account holder may designate that the money is to be used for funeral expenses or to pay off debts.
Can a beneficiary withdraw money from a bank account?
Yes, a beneficiary can withdraw money from a bank account. However, if it is a POD account, the beneficiary can only withdraw the money from the account after the account holder’s death.
What happens if no beneficiary is named on the bank account?
If no beneficiary is named on a bank account, the money in the account will be paid to the account holder’s estate. The money in the account will be subject to the debts and taxes of the estate.
What happens if a bank account owner dies?
If the bank account owner dies, the money in the account will be paid to the beneficiary. The beneficiary will not be subject to any debts or taxes of the estate.
Is a POD account a joint account?
No, a POD account is not a joint account. A joint account is an account that two or more people own. With a POD account, the account holder owns the account and can name a beneficiary to receive the money in the account upon his or her death.
What does POD mean after a name on a check?
POD after a name on a check means “payable on death.” This designation means that the money in the account is to be paid to the beneficiary upon the account holder’s death. The beneficiary can withdraw the money from the account.
How do I close a POD account?
To close a POD account, you must contact the bank and provide them with your death certificate. The bank will then close the account and release the money to the beneficiary.
Can a trust be a POD beneficiary?
Yes, a trust can be a POD beneficiary. The trustee of the trust will be able to withdraw the money from the account upon the account holder’s death.
What is the difference between a POD and an IRA?
A POD is an arrangement where the money in the account is transferred to another person upon the account holder’s death. An IRA is an account where the money is used for retirement savings. The account holder can withdraw the money in an IRA at any time.
What happens if I don’t name a beneficiary on my POD account?
If you don’t name a beneficiary on your POD account, the money in the account will be paid to your estate. The money in the account will be subject to the debts and taxes of the estate.
How do I change the beneficiary on my POD account?
To change the beneficiary on your POD account, you will need to contact the bank and request a change of beneficiary form. Once you have completed the form, you will need.
1 Comment
Jean Porter
What a great wealth of information concerning POD/s……..better than any website I've found…….. . thank you SO much. The only answer I can't find is if there is a POD account already established, can that account be placed within a Trust, without having the Trust be the account's beneficiary……. in other words, leaving the original beneficiary the same. And, IF that can be done, would the beneficiary be protected from change by the remaining spouse? (complicated issue) I'm doubting the answer is yes, or that it can be done, but any input would be appreciated.
Thank you again………. you've helped me tremendously.