Couple Thinking About Burial Insurance for 3M Retirees

2024 Burial Insurance for 3M Retirees

On August 1, 2019, 3M announced that it cut the life insurance program for retirees in half. If you are a retiree from 3M, you must know what to do now that your life insurance program has been slashed in half. If you are concerned about your future and whether you will have enough money…
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Life Insurance Podcast 5 Challenges Seniors Face When Buying Life Insurance

5 Challenges Seniors Face When Buying Life Insurance – Podcast Episode 15

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How to Buy a Casket Article Picture

How to Buy a Casket

You will need to know how to buy a casket if you decide to go for a traditional burial service as buying a casket is an important part of making any funeral arrangements. A casket is one of the most important purchases you can make regarding the funeral. Before purchasing a casket, do some research…
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Adult Wondering How to Dispose of Medications after a Death

How to Dispose of Medications after a Death – 2024 Update

Disposing of medications after a death in the family is one thing that needs to be done by grieving loved ones. Keeping unused medicines after they are no longer needed may cause unnecessary risk, especially if there are children in the home. Exposure to dangerous medicine in the home is a major cause of unintentional…
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Woman Wondering About Flameless Cremation Burial Insurance

Flameless Cremation Burial Insurance 2024

Flameless cremation burial insurance is whole life insurance designed to cover burial and cremation expenses. If you decide that flameless cremation is an excellent way to go and you want an insurance policy to cover the expenses, we can help you. In this article, we will provide the information you need about flameless cremation and…
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Nursing Home Checklist 2024: Find The Best Nursing Home!

Our “Nursing Home Checklist” will help you find a skilled nursing facility that will provide a wide range of health and personal care services for you or your loved one. Choosing a nursing home is one of the hardest decisions we must make for ourselves and our loved ones. The fact that we need to…
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Medicaid Spend Down Rules on Life Insurance image

Medicaid Spend Down Rules on Life Insurance in 2024

Medicaid “spend down” rules on life insurance are important if you have an elderly parent who needs a long-term nursing home or assisted living care. If you or your parent lack the money for such care, you may consider helping your parent apply for Medicaid – a welfare program that offers medical coverage to eligible…
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2024 Mushroom Burial Suit for Green Burial

Have you heard of a mushroom burial suit for green burial? The mushroom burial suit or Infinity Suit is a new concept in green burial. It started gaining popularity in 2016. The idea of a mushroom burial suit is the brainchild of artist and entrepreneur Jae Rhim Lee who studied mycoremediation – the science of…
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How Pilgrim Burials Were Handled After the Mayflower Landed in the USA

If you want to know how burials were handled after the Mayflower landed in the USA, you’ve come to the right place! Pilgrim burials were relatively simple when Mayflower landed in the USA. The funerals didn’t include many of the rituals we perform at funerals today. Keep reading to discover why the settlers were buried…
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