2024 Burial Insurance with Heart Failure

The key to getting the best burial insurance with heart failure is knowing which final expense insurance carrier looks at your health most favorably.

This article will cover how to qualify for the best burial insurance with heart failure and what to expect if you have this condition.


Can I Get Burial Insurance If I Have Heart Failure?

Answering yes or no to this question depends on several factors. 

YES: you can get burial insurance with a history of heart failure. You can even qualify for first-day burial insurance coverage with no waiting period, depending on your health and what plans are available in your state.

NO: If you are hospitalized, have been hospitalized twice or more in the last two years, or cannot perform ADLs (Activities of Daily Living).

What Are The Types Of Burial Insurance Available To Heart Failure Patients?

FIRST-DAY COVERAGE – This burial insurance covers you from the first day. Your beneficiaries will receive the full death benefit when you pass away. Burial insurance with no waiting period is always cheaper than guaranteed issue life insurance (as long as you go with the correct insurance company). 

GUARANTEED ISSUE LIFE INSURANCE – This policy has no medical exam or health question questions. You will be approved regardless of any health issues. The downside of this policy is the mandatory two-year waiting period. If you pass away during the waiting period, the policy would only pay out the premiums you have paid plus 7-10% interest (depending on the company).

What Is My Best Insurance Option If I Have Had Heart Failure?

If you’ve ever been diagnosed, received treatment, or advised to receive treatment and medication for heart failure, your preferred option should always be a first-day coverage plan.

One company that offers this 1st-day coverage will ask if you’ve been hospitalized less than two times in the past two years. If so, you’ll qualify for 1st-day coverage if that plan is available in your state.

If your physician has advised you to have a heart transplant due to heart failure, then your best insurance option is to get a guaranteed issue whole life insurance with a two-year waiting period. However, if you’ve had a heart transplant that occurred more than five years ago, you may now qualify for 1st-day coverage with some companies.

Do I Need A Medical Exam To Qualify For Burial Insurance?

Medical exams, blood tests, and urine samples are not required to get approved for these policies.

The best plans with first-day coverage ask some health questions, but if you go with the correct insurance company, these will not limit your ability to get great coverage at the best rates.  With these companies, you’ll often get official approval from the insurance company within minutes!

If you don’t want to answer any health questions, you can get guaranteed issue life insurance with a 2-year waiting period.

What Is The Cost Of Burial Insurance If I Have Heart Failure?

The cost of burial insurance will depend on your:

  • Age
  • Coverage amount
  • Gender
  • General health
  • State of residence
  • Smoking status
  • Type of policy

Burial Insurance Underwriting If You Had Heart Failure

Here’s how some insurance companies ask about heart failure on the insurance application:

  • Have you been treated for or diagnosed, or has been hospitalized for stroke, heart attack, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, heart or circulatory surgery?
  • Have you ever been diagnosed with, or received, or been advised to receive treatment or medication for congestive heart failure or any type of heart or circulatory surgery?
  • Within the past 24 months, have you been medically diagnosed as having or been treated or hospitalized for heart attack, heart disease, circulatory surgery, or any procedure to improve circulation to the heart?
  • In the past 10 years, have you opted not to seek treatment, have not taken medication, or have not followed the prescribed treatment plan following a diagnosis of heart failure or heart disease?

Heart failure medication can include:

  • Apresoline
  • Bisoprolol
  • Bumetadine
  • Captopril
  • Carvedilol
  • Digoxin
  • Edecrin
  • Eplerenone
  • Hydralazine
  • Furosemide
  • Imdur
  • Isordil
  • Lisinopril
  • Losartan
  • Metolazone
  • Metoprolol
  • Nitrobid
  • Sacubitril
  • Spironolactone
  • Torsemide

If you are taking a combination of these drugs, the insurance companies may consider you a heart failure patient.

Why Do Insurance Companies Care If You Have Had Heart Failure?

Heart failure is often chronic, and the symptoms usually worsen over time.

Life insurance companies know heart failure often contributes to other diseases or illnesses such as heart attacks, organ failure, brain damage, and, ultimately, death.

Information We Need if You Had A History Of Heart Failure

Here are some of the questions we may ask to get you the best plan and pricing:

  1. Do you have high blood pressure?
  2. Do you have a high cholesterol level?
  3. Do you have treatments for your heart failure?
  4. What are the medicines prescribed to treat your condition?
  5. What health issue may have caused your heart failure?
  6. What test have you had recently regarding your heart failure?
  7. When were you diagnosed with heart failure?

What If My Application Was Rejected Because Of Heart Failure?

If you’ve been declined in the past, it is best to work with an independent insurance agency like Funeral Funds. We know the underwriting guidelines of multiple companies, and we can get you a better plan with the lowest rates.

We have access to more than 20 insurance companies and can help you qualify with a heart-friendly life insurance company. It will save you time and frustration during the life insurance application process.

How to Get First-Day Coverage With A History Of Heart Failure

The best way to get a first-day coverage burial insurance plan if you have had heart failure is to work with an independent agency like Funeral Funds. Our independent life insurance agents can compare companies offering first-day coverage insurance and recommend the best plan with the best pricing.

How To Apply For Burial Insurance With Heart Failure

  1. Consult with an Independent Insurance Agent – Ask for guidance from independent insurance agents specializing in underwriting for heart failure. They can help you understand your options, compare quotes, and choose the most suitable burial insurance plan.
  2. Complete the Application Honestly – When filling out the life insurance application with your agent, be truthful about your heart failure. Provide accurate details about your health, treatments, and any lifestyle changes you’ve made. 
  3. Review and Confirm Policy Details – Carefully review the policy terms before confirming your acceptance. Make sure the insurance coverage meets your needs and your budget.

How Can Funeral Funds Help Me?

Here at Funeral Funds, we specialize in getting life insurance coverage for people with a history of heart failure.

We work with many A+ rated insurance companies that specialize in high-risk clients. We will search those companies to give you the best rate. We’ll match you up with your best life insurance option.

We will assist you in securing the coverage you need at a rate you can afford. So, if you’re looking for burial insurance for heart failure, we can help. Fill out our quote form on this page or call us at (888)862-9456 to get accurate quote burial insurance quotes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is heart failure a pre-existing condition?

Yes, heart failure and other health issues are considered pre-existing conditions.

What will my premium be if I have heart failure?

Your premium will depend on age, gender, state, health, policy amount, and the plans available in your state.

Can I get a policy with no medical exam if I have heart failure?

Yes, most companies do not require a medical exam to qualify for their life insurance products.

Do I need to tell insurance about my heart failure?

Yes, you always need to be truthful about all current and past health issues.

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