Burial Insurance and Coronavirus: What You Need to Know in 2024
If you are concerned about burial insurance and coronavirus (COVID-19) and its effect on you and your family, keep reading.
Getting burial insurance with coronavirus may seem like a challenge, and it may discourage you from getting a policy. If you currently contracted the virus and you’re trying to get a life insurance policy with this condition, it will be helpful to understand how life insurance companies react to this condition and how your diagnosis affects your application.
If you have COVID-19, here’s everything you need to know about burial insurance and coronavirus and how to obtain an affordable final expense policy.
Just understand that most life insurance companies still do not consider coronavirus a pre-existing condition. You can qualify for the best plan at the best rate. But read on to find out more important details.
- What is Coronavirus?
- Coronavirus And Its Effect On Life Insurance Eligibility
- Factors That May Affect Eligibility
- How Do Insurance Companies React To People With Coronavirus?
- Burial Insurance And Coronavirus
- Benefits of Burial Insurance
- Requirements To Qualify For Burial Insurance With Coronavirus
- Coronavirus And The Elderly: How To Support Older Adults
- Visiting A Loved One In A Nursing Home Or Assisted Living Facility
- How To Get Lower Rates On Burial Insurance With Coronavirus
- How To Keep Healthy During The Pandemic
- What To Do If You Have COVID-19 Or Were Exposed To COVID-19
- FEMA To Provide Funeral Assistance To COVID-19 Victims
- How Can Funeral Funds Help Me?
- Additional Questions & Answers On Burial Insurance And Coronavirus
What Is Coronavirus?
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) calls the virus 2019 Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 disease.
The virus outbreak began in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China.
Other coronaviruses disease includes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). Coronaviruses can cause respiratory tract infections ranging from the common cold to more serious respiratory illnesses, especially in people with pre-existing medical conditions.
The elderly and people with chronic underlying medical illnesses like lung and heart disease are much more susceptible to catching COVID-19.
COVID-19 was declared a pandemic or global outbreak by the World Health Organization on March 12, 2020.
There are more than 122,822,505 confirmed cases in more than 50 countries today. The virus has killed 2,709,041 people globally (at the time this article was written).
In the U.S., there are 29,652,483 confirmed cases, and 539,517 died from COVID-19.
Coronavirus infection is similar to flu and typically affects the throat and lungs. Common signs of coronavirus infection include respiratory symptoms like:
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Or at least two of these symptoms:
- Runny nose
- Sore throat
- Headache
- Muscle pain
- Fatigue
- Chills
- Repeated shaking with chills
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Loss of taste or smell
- Loss of appetite
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- Confusion or inability to arouse
- Bluish lips or face
Symptoms of COVID-19 may appear as early as two days or as long as 14 days after exposure.
If the infection is severe, your doctor may call for hospitalization. Severe cases of infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death.
Many COVID-19 patients with severe complications may develop pneumonia in both lungs. Research also shows that 1% of coronavirus cases may result in death. However, the death rate varies by age, with seniors with pre-existing conditions more likely to die.
COVID-19 is very similar to seasonal flu; it can be transmitted from person to person through sneezing, coughing, talking, or close contact, like touching or shaking hands. Droplets can land in the mouth or nose of nearby people and possibly be inhaled into the lungs.
COVID-19 can also be transmitted by touching a surface with the virus and then touching the nose, eyes, or mouth without washing the hands.
The virus spreads quickly, just like the flu. That is why it’s hard to contain.
The incubation period of coronavirus is between 2 and 14 days; people without symptoms could be transmitting the disease without even knowing it.
1. Wash your hand often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after coughing, sneezing, blowing your nose, or after you have been in a public place.
Wash your hands:
- Before touching your face
- Before eating or preparing food
- After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
- After handling your face mask
- After using the restroom
- After leaving a public place
- After caring for someone sick
- After changing animals or pets
- After changing a diaper
2. If soap and water are not readily available, use alcohol or hand sanitizer containing 60% alcohol. Cover the surface of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
3. Avoid touching your nose, eyes, and mouth with unwashed hands.
4. Coughing or sneezing
- Always cover your mouth and nose with facial tissue when you cough or sneeze.
- Use the inside of your elbow to cough or sneeze if you don’t have facial tissue.
- Do not spit on the ground.
- Throw used facial tissues in a lidded trash bin.
- Immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after coughing or sneezing.
- If soap and water are not readily available, clean your hands with alcohol or hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
5. Use a face mask or cloth cover to cover your mouth and nose when around other people. The face mask is intended to protect other people you come in contact with in case you are infected. You could transmit COVID-19 to others even if you don’t have symptoms
- You should always wear a cloth face cover in public places and around other people who don’t live in your household, especially when social distancing is difficult to maintain.
- Do not put a face mask on children under two years old or those who have trouble breathing, are unconscious, incapacitated, or cannot remove the mask or face cover without assistance.
- Use a facemask, but remember it is not a substitute for social distancing.
6. Keep physical distance from others. Keep about 6 feet or 2 meters between yourself and others.
7. Clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces such as doorknobs, tables, desks, countertops, light switches, handles, keyboards, faucets, toilets, and sinks.
- Clean dirty surfaces with detergent or soap before disinfection.
- Use household disinfectant.
8. Limit your home visitors to a single-person visit. Don’t allow sick people to visit you.
9. Limit large group gatherings. Stay away from events where a large group of people will gather, such as large family events, classes, movies, and shows.
10. Avoid cruise travel. Avoid airline travel, especially to countries with large transmissions. If you must travel by plane, exercise good practices, keep a safe distance, wash your hands frequently, and use hand sanitizer or alcohol. Wipe commonly used surfaces such as tray seat control buttons, tables, and armrests with sanitizing wipes.
Scientists and pharmaceutical companies have found different vaccines to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The front-line healthcare workers and residents received the vaccines first. Then the government prioritized people who are 65 and up with health conditions and increased risk of being vaccinated. Vaccine supply is still limited and may have long waiting lists.
As of the writing of this article, a total of 126,509,736 vaccine doses have been administered in the U.S.
Coronavirus And Its Effect On Life Insurance Eligibility
The coronavirus outbreak has already reached 50 countries, with most cases in China. However, the world’s knowledge about this virus is still limited, including the comparative data about its death rate.
Currently, the death rate is estimated to be approximately 25% compared with the death rate of SARS at 9.6%, and Ebola was averaging 50% to the World Health Organization.
The figures show that the number of cases resulting in fatalities is increasing. There’s a big chance that you or your loved ones will become infected with COVID-19.
People with existing cardiovascular conditions or viral illnesses are more susceptible to infection, and those who are elderly are at higher risk than people with healthy immune systems.
Currently, COVID-19 is not a pre-existing condition of any burial insurance or final expense insurance policy; however, some life insurance companies are starting to ask about it on their life insurance health questionnaire.
If you contacted COVID-19, it is more beneficial to look for companies that never ask about it in their health questions. Remember, if the life insurance company never asks about a medical condition in their health questionnaire, they accept it. You can easily qualify for the best plan with immediate first-day coverage, even if you’re diagnosed with COVID-19.
Working with an insurance agency that knows the companies that will treat your condition favorably is crucial.
Factors That May Affect Eligibility
You may be hospitalized after the COVID-19 diagnosis. Can you get burial insurance if you are currently hospitalized? Absolutely!
The good news is that being hospitalized won’t disqualify you from getting burial insurance with coronavirus. However, you need to understand that you have a limited option.
You can still get a whole life insurance policy if you are in the hospital because of coronavirus. There is no specific burial insurance for hospitalized people, but you can qualify for coverage if you are currently in hospital with coronavirus. It’s called guaranteed issue life insurance.
You will be approved for coverage regardless of your health or current situation with guaranteed issue whole life insurance. GI policies are very common, especially among those in the hospital.
If you are hospitalized because of COVID-19, we can help you find affordable burial, funeral, cremation, or final expense insurance.
How Do Insurance Companies React To People With Coronavirus?
1. They will decline your application
Insurance companies will outright decline your application if you have coronavirus. These companies will not provide insurance to coronavirus patients until there is more data on the true nature of this health hazard. They believe coronavirus is high risk and don’t want to deal with its risk.
If you’ve been declined because of COVID-19, don’t worry because other companies do not consider this case as a pre-existing condition.
2. They will delay your application
Some companies will put your application on hold until you are certified disease-free for some time. You must be fully healed with no residual symptoms and complications and cleared by a physician after diagnosis with coronavirus.
3. They will offer you a guaranteed issue burial insurance
You are considered under the highest risk category because of coronavirus. The insurance company will only approve your application for a guaranteed issue life insurance.
Guaranteed issue whole life insurance comes with a two-year waiting period. If you die during the waiting period, your beneficiary will only receive a return of premiums paid plus 10% interest. This limited benefit period prevents people with a terminal illness from buying a policy that the insurers need to pay sooner than later.
4. They will approve your application with first-day coverage
Some insurance companies do not mind COVID-19 because it is a lower risk than other diseases. These companies will offer you the lowest rate and first-day coverage.
Hopefully, you have no other health issues that may prevent you from qualifying with one of these companies.
Burial Insurance And Coronavirus
There are two burial insurance options with coronavirus:
Simplified Issue Life Insurance (Level Benefit Plan)
You don’t need a physical or medical exam to qualify for simplified issue burial insurance. Insurance companies won’t require a blood or urine sample from you to qualify.
You will only need to answer a simple health questionnaire to qualify. You will only need to answer about 15 to 20 easy health questions to be eligible most of the time.
The best feature of this plan is first-day coverage without a waiting period. You are fully covered, and your beneficiary will receive your 100% death benefit immediately when you pass away.
You don’t even need to undergo a medical exam!
Instead of a medical exam, the company will check your:
- Prescription medication history through Rx database
- Medical history through the Medical Information Bureau
- Driving record through the Department of Motor Vehicle
Some companies may want to do a phone interview during the application. Depending on the company, they often issue an approval on the phone interview.
Getting burial insurance with no waiting period is super easy; all you need to do is apply to a company where you just answer health questions on the application.
Guaranteed Issue Burial Insurance (Graded Benefit Plan)
If you are currently hospitalized because of coronavirus, you will only qualify for a guaranteed issue burial insurance policy. You will be approved for coverage regardless of your health and current hospitalization.
When you apply for a GI policy, the insurance companies will not ask any health questions, nor will you be required to take a medical exam and provide blood and urine samples.
They will also not check your prescription history or MIB, nor will they call you for a phone interview. So, even if you’re in the hospital, you will still qualify for coverage!
Benefits Of Burial Insurance
No Medical Exam
You are not required to take a medical exam to qualify for burial insurance. You will not be required to answer a few health questions. The guaranteed issue plan doesn’t even have health questions.
Easy to Qualify
Burial insurance has a simple application process. You must sign the application over the phone, on your computer, or laptop. You will only need to provide your personal information, beneficiary, and payment information. We will send it to the insurance company and wait a few minutes to get it approved.
Level Premium
Burial insurance is a whole life insurance policy with a fixed monthly premium. Your monthly insurance bill will never increase because it is locked in at your current age and will remain fixed for the rest of your life. It will never increase for any reason as long as you keep paying your premiums on time.
Level Death Benefit
Your death benefit is also fixed and guaranteed never to decrease. Your beneficiaries will receive your 100% death benefit payout.
Not Cancellable
Some policyholders complain that their policy was canceled when they reached 80. Burial insurance is whole life insurance that will not cancel and remain in force as long as you live (up to 121 years old).
Cash Value Accumulation
Whole life insurance policies accumulate cash value over the years. This accumulated amount can be used to pay the premium, or you can borrow the cash value for whatever purpose.
You Can Purchase Minimal Coverage
If you want a policy to cover your funeral, burial, or end-of-life expenses, burial insurance allows you to buy as little as you need. You can choose a face amount between $2,000 to a maximum of $25,000.
Requirements To Qualify For Burial Insurance With Coronavirus
Most companies offering burial insurance plans accept applicants aged 50-85 years old, although some companies offer policies to those younger than 50 and older than 85.
State Availability
Some insurance companies are not licensed in all states. Make sure that the company you apply to is licensed in your state before you apply for coverage.
Ability to Enter a Legal Contract
The mental capacity to enter into a legal contract is a requirement to qualify for burial insurance. People with cognitive impairments who can’t give legal consent may be declined for coverage.
Coronavirus And The Elderly: How To Support Older Adults
We can show our support to older adults during this time of the pandemic. Most older adults depend on the support and services provided in their homes to maintain health and independence.
What family members, caregivers, and neighbors can do:
- Know what prescription medications your older loved one is taking and ensure they are amply supplied. Make sure there’s a two-week or longer supply of medicines.
- Monitor their food and other medical supplies such as oxygen, dialysis, wound care, and other needs.
- Stock up on groceries and non-perishable food items in the home to minimize going out and trips to the stores.
- If you have a loved one in a nursing home or living care facility, monitor their health, and ask about other residents’ health.
- Keep your communication open. Regularly call your older loved one through the phone or video calls.
- Always disinfect frequently touched surfaces and use a face mask when leaving the house.
The best way to protect yourself and your older loved ones is to reduce the coronavirus spread. Coronavirus and the elderly are one topics we should be aware of. Limit our interactions with other people as much as possible.
Take precautions like wearing a face mask or cloth face covering when you interact with others. If you feel any symptoms of COVID-19, get in touch with your doctor within 24 hours.
As communities and businesses start to open, you may think about resuming some activities, shopping, and attending events and gatherings.
If you are at increased risk from COVID-19 and live with older adults, consider your level of risk before deciding to go out. Protect yourself and avoid going to places where social distancing can’t be maintained.
Staying healthy during this COVID-19 pandemic is important. Talk to your doctor if you need vaccinations and other preventive medical services to keep you healthy and help prevent you from becoming ill with other diseases.
Visiting A Loved One In A Nursing Home Or Assisted Living Facility
Due to the coronavirus and the elderly risks, many facilities have updated their visiting policies as COVID-19 cases increase in the US. Some health care facilities have limited visitor policies in place.
Some nursing homes and assisted living facilities have eliminated visiting to keep patients safe and healthy. Check the facility’s website or call them to know if there are visitation changes in the place where your loved ones live.
If visiting is allowed in the facility, follow these general guidelines:
- If you can, visit your loved one alone, and do not visit in large groups.
- Wear a face mask or cloth face covering when you visit the facility.
- Wash your hand or apply hand sanitizer when you enter and leave the facility. Use sanitizing wipes to wipe high-touch surfaces such as doorknobs, tables, and chairs.
- Do not visit your loved one in the nursing home or assisted living facility if you are not feeling well.
- If your in-person visit is non-essential, visit your loved ones virtually using a computer or smartphone.
- If your loved one is sick when you visit, ask the caregiver to give them a face mask.
The healthcare staff at the facility caring for your loved one will direct you on what to do during your visit.
How To Get Lower Rates On Burial Insurance With Coronavirus
When you’re ready to take the next step and purchase burial insurance coverage amid coronavirus, we advise you to shop around. Take your time and compare dozens of different insurance companies for pricing. Choose the one that offers first-day coverage with the lowest rate.
At this moment, little is still known about coronavirus; that’s why it is essential to find a life insurance company that will view your condition more favorably. We will help you find a company that does not have any exclusion on flu-like epidemics.
If you are healthy, apply for life insurance now. Do not let a pandemic force you to get insurance coverage. Getting insurance before coronavirus diagnosis will allow you to qualify for the best plan at the best rate.
Work with an experienced independent insurance agency like Funeral Funds. Instead of having to call multiple companies yourself, let us help you through the process. Working with us is like contacting 40 companies all at once. It is the quickest way to be the lowest rate on burial insurance.
How To Keep Healthy During The Pandemic
1. Keep your regular routines such as meal times, sleeping, and other daily activities. Do not let the pandemic disrupt your daily schedule.
2. Be physically active every day. Use household chores to keep you physically active. Reduce long periods of sitting, and exercise for at least 30 minutes. Make sure your exercise routine is safe and appropriate to your fitness level indicated by your doctor.
3. Eat healthy and well-balanced meals. Drink enough water to keep you hydrated.
4. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. Smoking can affect lung capacity, and it increases the possibility of respiratory problems. Drinking alcohol will disturb your sleep and increase your risk of falls. It may also interact with your prescription medicines.
5. Be aware of coronavirus and the elderly. Take your prescribed medicines if you have ongoing health conditions. Follow your doctor’s advice and have a telehealth consultation if necessary.
6. Engage in activities or hobbies that you enjoy. Reading a book, cooking, or gardening will keep you active. Learn something new. There are many videos on the internet to help you find exciting activities.
7. Stay socially connected. Keep in touch with your loved ones and friends through the phone, video calls, or messaging. Use social media to stay socially connected.
8. Take breaks from news coverage about the pandemic. Prolonged exposure to news may make you feel anxious and desperate. Check updates from reliable sources like the CDC or WHO website.
9. Contact your health care provider if you have an emergency medical condition unrelated to coronavirus.
10. Seek psychosocial support if fear, sadness, or worry gets into your daily activities for several days. There are support services that can help you in your community.
What To Do If You Have Covid-19 Or Were Exposed To Covid-19
If you have coronavirus symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, muscle pain, sore throat, headache, chills, repeated shaking with chills, and loss of taste or smell, get in touch with your healthcare provider 24 hours.
Call by phone first and give information about your pre-existing health conditions and prescription medication. Follow the instructions of your doctor and monitor your symptoms regularly.
Call your healthcare provider immediately if you have severe symptoms such as trouble breathing, persistent pain, pressure in the chest, confusion, bluish lips, or face. Be prepared to go to the hospital as soon as possible—call 911 for a medical emergency.
We should be careful about coronavirus and the elderly. If you live with others, isolate yourself as soon as you feel the symptoms. If you suspect an infection, use your room to isolate yourself.
Let the members of your household wear a mask or face covering to protect themselves.
If you live in a home care facility, advise your caregiver about your symptoms. Let your household members follow available guidelines about COVID-19 infection.
Contact your primary health care worker and tell them your symptoms if you live alone. Ask your family, friends, neighbors, or a local volunteer organization to check on you regularly to provide support as needed.
FEMA To Provide Funeral Assistance To Covid-19 Victims
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced on Tuesday through administrator Robert Fenton that the agency is starting to give funeral assistance to families of COVID-19 victims.
FEMA set aside $2 billion to aid individuals and households that incurred COVID-19-related expenses between January 20 and December 31, 2020. Each family will receive $7,000 for COVID-19-related funeral costs starting in April.
The funeral assistance is part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021, which was signed into law earlier this month.
FEMA is working with stakeholder groups to get input on the best ways to provide this funeral assistance to families and communities. The agency is still finalizing the application process, but the process will begin soon. People with a family member who died of COVID-19-related death must keep and gather documentation.
Who can apply for funeral assistance?
Here is a guide set by FEMA to determine eligibility. The death must meet these criteria to qualify for funeral assistance.
- COVID-19-related death should occur in the United States, including the District of Columbia and U.S. territories.
- The death certificate must clearly state that the death is COVID-19 related.
- The person applying for funeral assistance who incurred funeral expenses after January 20, 2020, must be a U.S. citizen, non-citizen, or qualified alien.
- The deceased don’t necessarily have to be a U.S. citizen, non-citizen national, or qualified alien.
Additional guidance is still being finalized. It will be released to applicants and community partners soon. Meanwhile, keep and gather your documentation to avail of this benefit.
How to apply for funeral assistance?
FEMA has not yet released the application details, but the agency will conduct a webinar with the National Funeral Directors Association on March 25, 2021, to discuss the specific details.
FEMA will begin the application process in April. You must gather documentation if you incur funeral expenses due to COVID-19 from January 20 to December 2020. Here’s a list of documents you should submit:
- An official death certificate. The certificate must indicate the deceased died of COVID-19 and related causes. The death occurred in the United States, including the District of Columbia and other U.S. territories.
- Funeral expenses documents such as funeral home contracts, receipts, and other documents show how much you pay for the funeral. All the documents must indicate the date when the funeral occurred, the deceased name, the applicant’s name, who paid, and the number of funeral expenses paid.
- Proof of funds received from other sources. You must submit proof of receipt if you received funds from other sources to pay for the funeral costs. However, the agency will not reimburse funds from burial or funeral insurance and other financial assistance from government agencies, voluntary agencies, or other sources.
How can you receive the funds?
If you are eligible to receive funeral assistance from FEMA, the agency said you have two options to receive the funds. You will receive a check by mail or direct deposit, depending on your choice when applying.
FEMA is set to launch a toll-free 1-800 number in April 2021, which you can use to apply for funeral assistance. The phone line information will be available soon.
Check FEMA’s website for additional details on how to apply for funeral assistance.
How Can Funeral Funds Help Me?
Finding a policy if you have coronavirus needn’t be frustrating; working with an independent agency like Funeral Funds will make the process easier and quicker.
If you have a health history of coronavirus or COVID-19, let us help you; we will work with you side by side to find a plan that fits your needs.
We will work with you every step to find the plan that fits your financial requirements and budget. You don’t have to waste your precious time searching for multiple insurance companies anymore because we will do the dirty work for you.
We will shop your case at different insurance carriers and get you the best price.
We work with many A+ rated insurance carriers that specialize in covering high-risk clients like you. We will search all those companies to get the best rate. We will match you up with the best burial insurance company that gives the best rate.
We will assist you in securing the coverage you need at a rate you can afford. So, if you are looking for coronavirus funeral insurance, coronavirus burial insurance, or life insurance.
Fill out our quote form on this page or call us at 888) 862-9456, and we can give you an accurate quote.
Additional Questions & Answers On Burial Insurance And Coronavirus
Can I get life insurance if I have had COVID-19?
Yes, you can still get life insurance if you have had coronavirus. Additionally, many life insurance companies are still offering coverage to those who have been affected by the virus in the past.
Is coronavirus a pre-existing condition for life insurance?
Yes, coronavirus is considered a pre-existing condition for life insurance. However, this does not necessarily mean that you will be denied coverage. Many life insurance companies are still willing to provide coverage to those affected by the virus.
What happens if I die from COVID-19?
If you die from coronavirus, your life insurance policy will pay out a death benefit to your beneficiaries. This death benefit can help cover funeral costs, outstanding debts, and other expenses.
Do I need to tell insurance about coronavirus?
Yes, you will need to disclose your diagnosis of coronavirus to your life insurance company. Failure to do so may result in the denial of your claim.
What are the chances of getting life insurance if I have had COVID-19?
The chances of getting life insurance coverage if you have had coronavirus are excellent. Many life insurance companies are still willing to provide coverage to those affected by the virus.
Is there a waiting period for life insurance after having COVID-19?
There is no set waiting period for life insurance after having coronavirus.
Will my life insurance policy cover COVID-19?
Yes, most life insurance policies will cover coronavirus. However, it is important to read your policy documents carefully to ensure that you are fully covered.
Can a person with coronavirus get burial insurance?
Yes, a person with coronavirus can get burial insurance. Many life insurance companies are still offering coverage to those affected by the virus.
Do I need to take a medical exam if I have coronavirus?
No, you do not need to take a medical exam if you have coronavirus. However, you will need to disclose your diagnosis of coronavirus to your life insurance company. Failure to do so may result in the denial of your claim.
Is there an age limit for burial insurance with coronavirus?
Most life insurance companies accept applicants who are 18-85 years old.
Can coronavirus be considered a critical illness in life insurance?
Yes, coronavirus can be considered a critical illness in certain situations for life insurance coverage. However, this does not necessarily mean that you will be denied coverage.
Can you get first-day coverage insurance if you have coronavirus?
Yes, you can get first-day coverage insurance if you have coronavirus. Many life insurance companies Funeral Funds works with are still offering coverage to those affected by the virus.
What are the things that may affect my eligibility if I have coronavirus?
A few things may affect your eligibility if you have coronavirus. These include your age, health history, and the severity of your illness.
I have COVID-19. Can I still get life insurance?
Yes, you can still get life insurance if you have coronavirus. Many life insurance companies offer coverage to those affected by the virus.
Which insurance is best for patients with coronavirus?
There is no one best insurance for patients with coronavirus. The best insurance policy will depend on your needs and budget.
Can I qualify for cremation insurance with a history of coronavirus?
Yes, you can qualify for cremation insurance with a history of coronavirus. Many of the life insurance companies we work with offer coverage to those affected by the virus.
What are some of the best life insurance companies for people with coronavirus?
The best life insurance companies for people with coronavirus will depend on your needs and budget.
What should I do if my life insurance company denies my claim because of coronavirus?
This should never happen if you go with a quality company you qualify for and were approved for.
Do I need to disclose my coronavirus diagnosis to my life insurance company?
You must disclose your coronavirus diagnosis and other health issues to your life insurance company. Failure to do so may result in the denial of your claim.
How do you get life insurance after COVID-19?
The best way to get life insurance after COVID-19 is to work with a qualified agent. An experienced agent at funeral funds can help you find the right policy for your needs and budget.
What is my best insurance option if I have coronavirus?
The best insurance option for you will depend on your needs and budget. You should work with a qualified agent to find the right policy for you.
Is coronavirus fatal in life insurance?
Yes, coronavirus is fatal in life insurance. However, this does not necessarily mean that you will be denied coverage.
Can you be denied insurance for coronavirus?
Yes, you can be denied insurance for coronavirus if you go with the wrong insurance company. For example, if you are currently hospitalized because of coronavirus, most life insurance companies will not offer a first-day coverage plan to you.
Is there a waiting period for life insurance with coronavirus?
There is typically no waiting period for people who have had coronavirus in the past unless they are still in the hospital being treated for coronavirus.
Can coronavirus affect your life insurance rates?
No, coronavirus generally will not affect your life insurance rates. However, other factors such as age, health history, and smoking status can affect your rates.
What are the benefits of burial insurance if you have had coronavirus?
Burial insurance can help cover the costs of your funeral and other final expenses. This can be a great relief for your loved ones during an already difficult time.
What are the premiums for burial insurance with coronavirus?
The premiums for burial insurance with coronavirus will depend on your age, health history, and the coverage you need. You should work with a qualified agent to find the right policy for you.
What is the average cost of life insurance for someone with coronavirus?
The average cost of life insurance for someone with coronavirus will depend on your age, health history, and the coverage you need.
Can coronavirus patients get final expense insurance?
Yes, coronavirus patients can get final expense insurance. Many life insurance companies are still offering coverage to those affected by the virus.
Does a critical illness rider cover coronavirus?
A critical illness rider will not cover coronavirus. However, it can help you pay for treatment if you contract a different critical illness.
Can coronavirus affect life insurance?
Yes, coronavirus can affect life insurance. If you are currently hospitalized because of coronavirus.
Can you be rejected for life insurance because of coronavirus?
Yes, you can be rejected for life insurance because of coronavirus. Most life insurance companies may deny your application if you are currently hospitalized because of coronavirus.
Is it worth getting life insurance if you have had coronavirus?
Yes, it is worth getting life insurance if you have had coronavirus. Life insurance can help your loved ones cover your final expenses and other costs associated with your death.
How can you get the best life insurance rates with coronavirus?
The best way to get the best life insurance rates with coronavirus is to work with a qualified agent. An experienced agent can help you find the right policy for your needs and budget.
What is the best insurance option for people with coronavirus?
The best insurance option for people with coronavirus will depend on their needs and budget.
What are some tips for getting life insurance with coronavirus?
Some tips for getting life insurance with coronavirus include:
- Working with a qualified agent
- Comparing policies and coverage options
- Choosing a policy that fits your needs and budget
Susan Johnson
My husband is in the hospital with corona virus. I need burial insurance just in case as I’ve been just hit with tragedy as my mother in law just passed 5/10/20 from corona and I’m having scrape together money to have her cremated so I can bring her home.
Funeral Funds
Susan – We are sorry to hear about your husband's health problems. The wrong time to purchase this insurance is when a loved one is currently in the hospital. Just as if you crashed your automobile yesterday, no auto insurance company would issue you a policy today to pay for your accident yesterday. In short, you need to have this insurance in place before you get sick or hospitalized.