2024 Burial Insurance with Emphysema

Burial insurance with emphysema is available, and you can even qualify for first-day coverage insurance if the right insurance companies are available in your state.

This article will help you understand your insurance options, how insurance companies underwrite people with emphysema, and how to get the most affordable life insurance rates.


What Is Emphysema?

Emphysema is a lung disease that causes shortness of breath. It damages the air sacs in your lungs (alveoli), responsible for transferring oxygen into your bloodstream. When these air sacs are damaged, they lose their elasticity and can rupture, making it difficult to breathe.

The alveoli are like tiny balloons. When you breathe in, they fill with air. When you breathe out, the air sacs deflate, and the air goes out. In emphysema, the walls between the alveoli are damaged or destroyed. This makes it harder for the air sacs to inflate and deflate, trapping air in your lungs. As a result, you don’t get as much oxygen into your bloodstream.

Having emphysema can make it challenging to qualify for life insurance, and it will likely increase your premiums. The severity of your condition will be a major factor in determining your insurability and the cost of your policy.

An experienced life insurance agent can help you find companies that have experience covering emphysema and negotiate the best possible rates.

Can You Get Burial Insurance With Emphysema?

First-day coverage policy is available to most individuals with emphysema (even if they use oxygen equipment) as long as you go with the right insurance company.

Remember that burial insurance can be used for burial, cremation, final expenses, or be a substitute for life insurance.

What is My Best Insurance Option If I Have Emphysema?

STAGE 1 – MILD EMPHYSEMA – If your emphysema is under control, you may qualify for a first-day coverage insurance policy with the right insurance company(s). You can be fully covered from the first day and have no waiting period. Your beneficiaries will receive 100% of the death benefit when you pass away.

STAGE 2 – MODERATE EMPHYSEMA – If you have moderate emphysema, you can qualify for a first-day coverage plan if you are taking medications for treatments. Some insurance companies even offer first-day coverage insurance if you use supplemental oxygen.

STAGE 3 – SEVERE EMPHYSEMA – If you have severe emphysema and use oxygen for 24 hours, you may still qualify for a first-day coverage plan, depending on the state you live in.

If you don’t qualify for first-day coverage, guaranteed issue life insurance will be your other option for coverage. Guaranteed-issue (GI) policies accept people who cannot qualify for traditional term life insurance because of significant health issues. GI plans have a two-year waiting period where if you pass away during the first two years, your beneficiary will receive all the premiums you paid plus 7-10% interest (depending on the insurance company). 

Do I Need A Medical Exam for Emphysema Burial Insurance?

You do not need to take a medical exam to qualify for burial insurance with first-day coverage as there is simplified underwriting, which means you only need to answer a few simple health questions. 

There are even plans out there that ask no health questions at all. They are, however, more expensive and come with a 2-year waiting period. We do not recommend these plans because of the higher price and 2-year wait. We talk about the best and worst companies further down in this article.

Burial Insurance Rates For Emphysema Patients

Burial insurance rates, if you have emphysema, will depend on several factors, such as: 

  • Age
  • Gender
  • State of residence
  • Smoking status
  • Type of policy
  • Coverage amount
  • Overall health

The younger you are, the less expensive your rates will be. The older and sicker you are, your life insurance rates will be more expensive.

Burial Insurance Underwriting For Emphysema

All life insurance companies offering first-day coverage insurance plans want to know if you have emphysema.

You will often find emphysema asked this way on the insurance company health questionnaires: 

  • Have you been told, been treated for, or advised to receive treatment or medication for Emphysema or lung disease?
  • During the past 24 months, were you diagnosed with emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?
  • Have you ever been diagnosed with or received treatment or medication for emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or chronic bronchitis?
  • In the past 10 years, have you opted not to seek treatment, have not taken medication, or have not followed the prescribed treatment plan following a medical diagnosis by a member of the medical profession for lung disease, including COPD and emphysema?

Aside from the health questions, burial insurance companies will also do prescription history checks to verify your truthful answer on your health questionnaire.

Here is a list of common medications for Emphysema that the life insurance underwriters will need to know before reviewing your life insurance application:

  • Albuterol (Proventil, Ventolin, others)
  • Budesonide and formoterol (Symbicort)
  • Fluticasone and salmeterol (Advair)
  • Formoterol (Foradil)
  • Ipratropium (Atrovent)
  • Levalbuterol (Xopenex)
  • Mometasone and formoterol (Dulera)
  • Salmeterol (Serevent)
  • Tiotropium (Spiriva)

Doctors have the flexibility to prescribe the same medications for both Asthma or Emphysema, so the insurance companies will want to know why you are taking specific medications (and for how long).

Here’s a list of medications used to treat both asthma or emphysema:

  • Advair
  • Azmacort
  • Dilor
  • Serevent
  • Theodur
  • Tilade
  • Ventolin

Some insurance companies look for a combination of these drugs, and if they see you taking 2-3 medication combinations, they will consider you as diagnosed with emphysema.

What Are The Best Companies For Emphysema Burial Insurance?

Here is a pricing example for a 60-year-old female with emphysema using continuous oxygen:

  1. Superior Choice (Recommended) 
    • First-day coverage
    • Policy amount: $10,000
    • Monthly premium: $47.25
  2. Gerber Life (Avoid) 
    • 2-year Waiting period
    • Policy amount: $10,000
    • Monthly premium: $51.06
  3. Lincoln Heritage (Avoid) 
    • 2-year Waiting period
    • Policy amount: $10,000
    • Monthly premium: $96.80

Superior Choice would be the best choice for Emphysema patients due to its first-day coverage and lower pricing. It does not have a waiting period and is more affordable than plans with a waiting period.

How to Get the Best Burial Insurance Rates with Emphysema

As an emphysema patient, you should quit smoking. If you smoke cigarettes or chew tobacco, you will face much higher insurance rates.

The best way to save money on insurance is to let companies like Funeral Funds of America compare insurance companies for you. Some companies will decline you for your emphysema diagnosis, while others will approve you at reasonable rates. We will always find you the best rate.

Information We Need If You Have Emphysema

To help you get 1st-day coverage or benefits, we may ask you some of the following questions:

  • Do you have other lung issues like asthma, emphysema, or chronic bronchitis?
  • Do you smoke?
  • Were you hospitalized for your Emphysema? What treatment did you receive?
  • What prescription drugs are you taking for your Emphysema?
  • When were you diagnosed with Emphysema?

How Can Funeral Funds Help Me?

You don’t have to waste time searching with multiple insurance companies because we can do this work for you. We work with many A+ rated insurance carriers specializing in covering high-risk clients. 

Our licensed life insurance experts will search for all the best life insurance companies to get you the best rates, and we promise to make the process quick and easy. 

Fill out our quote form on this page or call us at (888) 862-9456, and we can give you an accurate quote.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get cremation insurance with emphysema?

Yes, you can get cremation insurance, final expense insurance, or burial insurance even if you have emphysema, as many life insurance companies offer whole life insurance coverage for people with preexisting conditions.

Is emphysema considered a pre-existing condition in life insurance?

Yes, emphysema is a pre-existing condition. Any health condition you have before you apply for a life insurance policy is considered a pre-existing condition.

Can insurance deny coverage for preexisting conditions like emphysema?

Yes, life insurance companies often have a list of preexisting conditions they accept as high-risk medical conditions that may affect your life insurance eligibility.

How can I get 1st-day coverage with emphysema burial insurance?

The best way to get life insurance with first-day coverage is to work with an independent life insurance agent like Funeral Funds of America, who knows the right insurance companies to get approved.

Can I increase my coverage amount after purchasing emphysema burial insurance?

Depending on the insurance provider and burial insurance policy, you can often increase your coverage amount later. 

Funeral Insurance, Final Expense Insurance, Burial Insurance With Emphysema Infographics


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