2024 Affordable Burial Insurance Near Me

If you’re wondering where to buy burial insurance near me, then you’ve come to the right place. More than a decade ago, you will need to call around multiple life insurance companies and talk to insurance agents to find a policy, and then find time from your busy schedule to meet them and fill out the application.

Well, not anymore! Now, burial insurance plans are available online in all 50 states through companies like Funeral Funds.

Buying burial insurance is now easier and quicker, thanks to the internet. You can now apply for insurance coverage from the comfort of your home via your computer, tablet, or phone whenever it is most convenient for you.

If you’re looking for insurance coverage for you or your family, this article will help you do that. We will explore the different options for getting burial insurance near you as quickly as possible and save you time and money while doing it.

If you use our free quote box, you will get to see your quotes instantly from all the major life insurance companies in the country. We make it easy to find the right insurance company, the right policy, and the perfect insurance premium for you.


Finding Burial Insurance Near Me

Okay, so you’ve decided you want to buy a burial insurance plan. The first step is to know what type of burial insurance you need.

Burial insurance is also called funeral insurance or final expense insurance. It is designed to cover the cost of a funeral, burial, and other final expenses. Buying burial insurance can protect your family from the financial burden of dying.

Once you pass away, the insurance company will pay a tax-free amount directly to your beneficiary. There are no limits on how the death benefit payout money should be spent. If there is anything left after paying the funeral and final expenses, the funds will stay with your family to use in any way they want.

Burial insurance for seniors can also be an excellent alternative for people who won’t qualify for a traditional term or whole life insurance because of some health condition.

You will be eligible for burial insurance regardless of your medical condition because there are burial insurance plans that do not ask health questions at all.

Here are the four different types of burial insurance to compare:


Burial insurance with level death benefit is full life insurance with immediate coverage. The best burial insurance with no waiting period is effective on the first day.

You also are not required to take a medical exam, and the final expense insurance company underwrites your health based on your answers to the health questions on the application.

The burial insurance coverage amounts are typically lower than traditional term life insurance, but the underwriting is relaxed (easier to qualify for), yet it is still possible to be denied coverage based on any pre-existing medical conditions, smoking, or taking part in risky hobbies or occupations.

Here are some possible health questions you might see on the application:

You will qualify for level death benefit with no waiting period if you answer “no” to all the health questions. The main point of asking health questions is to rule out very high-risk applicants, such as those with a terminal illness or those on their deathbeds.

Minor health problems like high blood pressure or high cholesterol are considered normal and won’t affect your application.

Final expense life insurance no exam with level death benefit plan is the best option for people 50-85 years old who may have minor health issues that could prevent them from getting insurance coverage through the traditional underwriting process.

This is a great option if you’re not in perfect health, are too busy to take a medical exam or fear needles.


Burial insurance with a graded death benefit will be offered to you if you answer “yes” to the graded section of the application. It is your best option if you cannot qualify for level death benefit due to some medical condition you have.

Possible questions you will find in the graded section include:

  • During the past 36 months, have you been diagnosed by a physician as having stroke, angina, congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy, heart or circulatory surgery, or any procedure to improve circulation of the brain or heart?
  • During the previous 24 months, have you been treated by a physician as having Emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or any Neuromuscular disease (including Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s Disease, and Parkinson’s Disease)?

A graded death benefit plan is a medium option where the insurer views your health profile as riskier. You will be charged anywhere from 15-40% more for this policy.

The graded benefit plan provides immediate partial coverage during the first two years of the policy.

There is a reduction in the death benefit payout for the first two years.

For example: If you’re approved for a $20,000 death benefit, many insurance companies will payout:

  • 30% of the 20,000 if you pass away in the first year,
  • 70% in the second year and
  • 100% in the third year and beyond. 

Different insurance companies have different benefits payout schedules, and it’s important to understand the fine print before making any purchase.


A modified death benefit plan is the highest risk plan designed for those with a severe pre-existing medical condition. The insurance company charges 15-50% more on the premiums.

They will offer this plan if you answer yes to any health issues in the “modified” section. Events like stroke, heart attacks, TIA, or cancer will put you in a modified benefit plan within the last two years.

There is a two-year waiting period for the modified benefit plan. If you pass away during the waiting period, the insurance company will not pay out the full benefit to your beneficiary. Instead, they will return 110% of your money.

Modified benefit plans return premiums plus 7-10% interest during the first two years of the policy. However, in case of accidental death, the company would pay out 100% full death benefit even during the waiting period.


Some medical conditions are considered a high risk that you cannot qualify for a plan with any health questions. If you have significant health issues, this type of policy is best for you.

Guaranteed issue whole life insurance has no medical exam or health questions. Your approval is guaranteed regardless of your medical condition. GI policies are also an excellent option for people who couldn’t purchase coverage through traditional life insurance with a medical exam.

You will have to pay a slightly higher premium for this plan because the insurance company is taking all the risk by approving you without knowing your medical condition, but if you need affordable high-risk burial insurance instantly, this is the best way to go.

Here are some examples of the most common health conditions and circumstances where a guaranteed issue burial insurance policy is your only option:

  • Alzheimer’s or Dementia
  • Cancer or cancer treatment (within the last 2 years)
  • Currently in a hospital, nursing facility, or Hospice Care
  • HIV or AIDS
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Heart attack (within the last 2 years)
  • Terminal Illness
  • Renal failure requiring dialysis
  • Oxygen use
  • Recommended to have an organ transplant
  • Circulatory surgery within the last 12 months
  • Taking treatment for drug or alcohol abuse within the previous 24 months
  • Drug, marijuana, and alcohol abuse during the previous 12 months
  • Multiple DUI or moving violations
  • High-risk hobbies and occupations
  • Needing help performing activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, toileting, continence, and transferring

Guaranteed issue burial insurance policies will accept applicants with any of the above conditions.

Guaranteed issue burial insurance policies have graded benefits for the first two years of the policy. The waiting period applies to the all-natural causes of death.

If you die during the two-year waiting period, your beneficiaries will receive all the premiums you’ve paid plus 7-10% interest. The company will pay 100% of the death benefit if you die from an accident. After the two-year waiting period, you are covered for life.

Guaranteed issue burial insurance is the best option for getting life insurance as quickly as possible. In most cases, you can get life insurance coverage in less than 15 minutes.

If you need a plan to satisfy a business loan, hate needles, or have a severe medical condition, this is your life insurance plan.

How Much Burial Insurance Coverage Do You Need?

Aside from finding the best burial insurance policy to fit your needs, it’s also important to purchase enough life insurance coverage to protect your family. You need to consider several factors when calculating your insurance coverage needs.

The funeral cost is the biggest single final expense you need to consider. According to NFDA or National Funeral Directors Association, the average cost of an adult funeral with viewing today is $8,755.

This figure only includes the most commonly used items for a funeral. It doesn’t cover the burial cost. A burial plot can cost around $2,000, so the average funeral can cost over $10,000.

There are other funeral expenses not included in this funeral cost. Other expenses depend on the type of funeral service you choose, casket, headstone, memorial services, and miscellaneous items you will use.

Prices can also differ in the location of the funeral and burial. For example, a funeral chapel service can be more expensive if conducted at a site far from the funeral home.

Do you want to be buried or cremated? Your burial wishes will also impact the number of necessary burial insurance plans. After you determine your final wishes, you can start estimating the final cost when you pass away.

Learning how much you need for your funeral and burial costs will help you determine how much burial insurance to buy.

You will also need to look at your debt and final expenses that you will leave to your family after you pass away. Make sure your burial insurance plan is large enough to cover all those bills.

After you know how much burial insurance coverage you’ll need, you can now start looking for the perfect burial insurance company and burial insurance plan.

How Much Does Burial Insurance Cost Nationwide?

Compare available burial insurance near you. Key in your information on the free quote tool to know more about your state’s burial insurance companies and products, then get a fast, free, no-obligation quote.

This article will help you find burial insurance in your state that best fits your budget and meets your needs.

The most common death benefit is $10,000 for burial and $5,000 for cremation. You can pay your premium weekly, monthly, semi-annually, or even annually.

Your specific monthly premium might be higher or lower depending on different factors such as:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Coverage Amount
  • Tobacco usage
  • Pre-existing condition


Every burial insurance carrier has a set price for each specific age. Some companies have a fixed premium for age 50, then age 51, then age 52, and so on. At the same time, some companies have set pricing according to age bands. They have one price for ages 50-55, 56-60, or 70-75 (we recommend avoiding these “age banded” policies.

If you purchase burial insurance when you are 50 years old, you’ll pay less than if you wait to buy until you’re 75. The older you are, the higher the premium because the insurance company takes more risks insuring older folks who are statistically closer to death.

Insurance companies charge higher premiums the older you are, but you get your policy lock-in at the age when you bought your policy, and it will remain that way for life.


Being female or male is one crucial factor determining your premium amount. Men generally pay more than women because women live much longer than men. Therefore, women will pay longer than men, which is why they pay less on life insurance.


The amount of insurance coverage you need will also help determine your burial insurance cost. For example, if you’re a 50-year-old female, you will pay $24.67 for a $10,000 plan. While you will pay $46.14 for a $20,000 policy. The more burial insurance coverage you need, the higher the price.


Each life insurance carrier has a set price for tobacco and non-tobacco users. They have different rates for each and charge more to applicants who use tobacco products.

Cigarette smoking is a major health risk that could significantly decrease life expectancy. It’s the reason why tobacco users pay more for life insurance.


Your medical conditions also affect the cost of burial insurance. Your health condition determines your risk classification. The riskier the company views you, the more expensive the rate.

A pre-existing medical condition like cancer can cost you more because pre-existing medical conditions can significantly affect your life expectancy. Having some pre-existing medical conditions can be so high-risk that qualifying for a level death benefit is impossible.

Serious illnesses usually occur as we get older. Taking immediate action and buying burial insurance protection to cover your funeral and final expenses is wise.

The best part about buying burial insurance in your 50s or younger is that you lock in a lower premium for the rest of your life.

Since you now understand the importance of burial insurance for peace of mind when you pass away. You may want to know the cost of your burial insurance coverage. Just fill out the instant quote form on this page to get an accurate quote.

How Can Funeral Funds Help Me?

Finding a policy if you need burial insurance near you shouldn’t be frustrating; working with an independent agency like Funeral Funds will make the process easier and quicker.

If you have a health history and want burial insurance near me, let us help you; we will work with you side by side to find a plan that fits your needs.

We will work with you at every step to find the plan that fits your financial requirements and budget. You don’t have to waste your precious time searching for multiple insurance companies anymore because we will do the dirty work for you.

We will shop your case at different insurance carriers and get you the best price.

We work with many A+ rated insurance carriers that specialize in covering high-risk clients like you.  We will search all those companies to get the best rate. We will match you up with the best burial insurance company that gives the best rate.

We will assist you in securing the coverage you need at a rate you can afford. So, if you are looking for funeral insurance near me, burial insurance near me, or life insurance near me. Fill out our quote form on this page or call us at (888) 862-9456, and we can give you an accurate quote.

Additional Questions & Answers On Burial Insurance Near Me

What is burial insurance?

Burial insurance is a type of life insurance that pays for the costs of your funeral and other related expenses. It can be an important part of your financial planning, especially if you don’t have a lot of savings.

What are the types of burial insurance near me?

There are 4 types of burial insurance: level benefit, graded benefit, modified benefit, and guaranteed issue life insurance.

What is the easiest way to buy burial insurance near me?

The easiest way to buy burial insurance is online. You can compare different policies and find the one best fits your needs. You can also get quotes from different insurers and see how they compare.

Can you buy burial insurance online?

Yes, you can buy burial insurance online. You can compare different policies and find the one best fits your needs.

Can I qualify for burial insurance over the phone?

In most cases, you can qualify for burial insurance over the phone. You will need to fill out an application with a qualified insurance agent.

Can I buy burial insurance online?

Yes, you can buy burial insurance online. You can work with a qualified insurance agent who can compare different policies and find the best fit for your needs.

Can I qualify for a first-day coverage near me if I have health issues?

In some cases, you may still be able to qualify for first-day coverage if you have health issues.

Can I get burial insurance for my mom near me?

Yes, you can get burial insurance for your mom. You will need to fill out an application with a qualified insurance agent.

How much does burial insurance cost near me?

Burial insurance costs depend on factors such as age, health, and the death benefit you choose.

Is burial insurance different from preneed funeral insurance near me?

Burial insurance differs from preneed funeral insurance because it pays for your funeral and other final expenses after you die.

Can I use my burial insurance to pay for my funeral near me?

Yes, you can use your burial insurance to pay for your funeral.

Can I use my burial insurance to pay for my cremation near me?

Yes, you can use your burial insurance to pay for your cremation.

Can I use my burial insurance to pay for my final expenses near me?

You can use your burial insurance to pay for your final expenses.

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